

ISES, s.r.o.

M. J. Lermontova 25
160 00 Praha 6

IČ: 64 58 39 88

Telefon:  +420 233 339 718
Tel./Fax: +420 233 338 259
e-mail: ises@ises.cz

Corporate Ecology

The demands on meeting all legal duties in the environmental protection area are continually growing. Many companies have to train a person to handle these duties, who will focus on environmental issues. Functions often cumulate, with ecology being merely a marginal matter, an addition to the standard job duties of the given employee. These factors may lead to a failure to notice new regulations, worse orientation in the legislation and – because of the lack of time – to unintentional neglecting of some of the duties resulting from legal requirements.

Based on our extensive experience, we offer you:

1. Performance of the external ecologist function

An external ecologist provides comprehensive consulting services in the environmental protection area, including:

  • regular and continuous monitoring of the client's operation
  • updates and maintenance of the operation documentation concerning environmental topics
  • monitoring of the environmental legislation and implementation of respective regulations in the operation directives and other documents of the client relating to environmental protection
  • efficient handling of environmental problems
  • and more

2. Performance of the waste manager function

All our employees meet professional prerequisites needed to perform the waste manager function.

A waste manager is responsible to the originator or an authorized person for professional handling of waste materials, representing the originator or the authorized person when negotiating with public administration bodies in the waste management area.